To Pod or Not to Pod: A Brewtiful Dilemma

To Pod or Not to Pod: A Brewtiful Dilemma

To pod, or not to pod, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of commonplace normality or to take arms against a sea of plastics. Ah, the eternal struggle in the world of coffee.

We heard you, our beloved O COFFEE community, when some of you asked for pods. Intrigued, we delved into the realm of coffee podding, but our journey uncovered a tale of environmental dilemmas.


**The Podding Predicament:**

As we explored the podding possibilities, a crucial question emerged – what happens to the pods after use? We embarked on a quest, reaching out to municipal offices from Victoria to St. John's. The revelation shook us to our eco-friendly core – a staggering 95% of used coffee pods, including compostable ones, ended up in landfills.

We even reached out to the manufacturers of compostable pods to understand why these seemingly green options met the same fate. The answer lay in the lack of municipal infrastructure for composting, and manufacturers primarily producing industrial compostable pods rather than home compostable ones.

**A Conscience Call:**

This revelation didn't sit well with our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Upcycling fruits and vegetables is one thing, but contributing to overflowing landfills with coffee pods? That's a different story.

So, what's the verdict?

**Your Decision: To Pod or Not to Pod:**

We're leaving it up to you – our savvy, conscious coffee enthusiasts. Take our poll and tell us your thoughts. Are you on team "Pod Just Pod It," embracing the convenience despite the plastic predicament? Or do you lean towards team "No Pod, I'm Old School," advocating for a solution without single-use plastics?

**Keep Brewing with O COFFEE:**

Stay tuned because, just like a good coffee blend, we're concocting something special. Our science minds are hard at work, and we're on the brink of unveiling a solution that's both convenient and environmentally friendly.

So, what's your brew? Cast your vote and watch this space for the exciting reveal – because at O COFFEE, we believe in making choices that not only delight your taste buds but also make a positive impact on our planet.

Pod or not, the choice is yours!

It's up to you. Take our poll, and tell us!
And keep checking here because we have our science minds brewing up something good!

Pod just Pod it

No Pod I'm old school

Take arms against a sea of plastics
ie. Come on you guys are smart, come up with something convenient like a pod but but no single use plastic.

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